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Scottsdale Carpet Plug Repair Job

PCR was called to a Scottsdale Carpet Plug repair job or a women who was moving! The movers come friends tore the carpet in the living room while moving a piece of furniture. We were at her house with in an hour and took care of the Carpet Work! Read Review Click...

Scottsdale Carpet Plug Repair Job

PCR was called to do a Scottsdale Carpet Plug Repair Job today. Can you guess Dog or Cat? Yup a Dog did this one. No Worries one call to Phoenix Carpet Repair and the job was done. Customer Happy!

Scottsdale Carpet Plug Repair

PCR was called out to do a Scottsdale Carpet Plug Repair. The cats did it again. They ate some holes in the carpet. We were able to use some remnant carpet the home owner had and repair there holes in the carpet.