If you live with pets, you are probably familiar with the damage they can cause to your carpet. Boredom or separation anxiety can cause them to become destructive and carpets are usually where they start. We suggest you schedule your carpet repair right away before...
When your little furry friends decide to make a mess of your carpet, Scottsdale Carpet Cleaning and Repair can help! This silly kitty wanted to play and decided to pull up the carpet for fun. Here at Phoenix Carpet Repair and Cleaning we can make your carpet look like...
We love animals for more one reason than one! We all have pets here and we know they are good for our business too. Phoenix pet damage repairs were no match for our technician Alan who has 34 years of experience. Check out several repairs Alan took care of even on...
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did Carpet patch pet damage Phoenix. The clients dog chewed up a lot of carpet in the back of a bed room. We cut all of the damaged carpet out, then patched it with carpet the client had. read reviews HERE
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did Phoenix patterned carpet burn patches. The customer had two areas that had small holes burned. We used carpet they had to patch these areas, and had to take an exact piece to patch it so it would match the pattern. read reviews...