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Peoria Carpet Re-Stretching and Repair Work

Phoenix Carpet Repair was called to do some Peoria Carpet Re-Stretching and Repair work for a very nice family today. They were moving out and while on vacation with the storms in the area being Monsoon season. The dogs did some severe damage to the carpet. One call...

Peoria Carpet Repair

Phoenix Carpet Repair was called out to do a Peoria Carpet Repair. Another doggie locked in a bedroom and wanted out!

Carpet Repair Patch Peoria

PCR was called to do a Peoria Carpet Repair Patch today. This is the second job we did for this really nice couple. They are in the process of moving from one side of the valley to the other and have a list of things to do before moving. We were able to scratch a...

Peoria Carpet repair

Peoria Carpet Repair today. Rental unit fir a man who lives out of state. Phoenix Carpet  Repair went out to meet the mans Handy Man to do some Pet damage repair work and install some tack strip and stretch some carpet were a new door was installed. Its nice to have...