Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did Tempe carpet cleaning. Today’s client was s business called Audio Express. They had some very dirty carpets that needed some cleaning. We cleaned their whole store and were so happy they referred us to their other local...
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did Tempe carpet red stain repair. The client had spilled some red/pink nail polish on there carpet staining it. We just decided to not bother with red stain removers due to the fact that they don’t work as well as just...
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did Tempe doorway pet damage re stretching repair. The clients pet had scratched up some carpet under the door. We re stretched the carpet back up to the linoleum and cut out the damage. read reviews HERE
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did Tempe carpet to wood pet damage patch repair. The client had some pet damage in a doorway in both corners where the carpet met the wood. We cut out all the damage and took a piece of the exact same carpet from the closet and...
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did Tempe carpet installation. The client needed some carpet that they had installed in a hallway and in a few rooms. We ripped out all the old carpet and pad and replaced it all power stretching it in so that ripples wont occur....