PCR was called to do a Goodyear carpet Patch Repair job pet damage repair job! The renter is moving out and there puppy ate there carpet. We were able to replace some damaged carpet pad and then use some carpet from the closet to do the repairs needed for this home...
PCR was called to do a Goodyear Carpet Repair Job! The carpet was over 15 years old and a very light color. Another dog was locked in a bedroom and dug his way out!
PCR was called to do a Goodyear Carpet Repair Pet damage Repair Job! The person is renting there home and moving soon and needed a few repairs done. We were able to take care of our client with in 2 hrs of his call to us. Read Review Click Here
Phoenix Carpet Repair was called out to do a Goodyear Carpet repair. We get calls like this every day. Animals and People are hard on there carpet. This repair needed a permanent section glued in. The home owner dropped a light on the carpet and burned a hole in the...