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Glendale Carpet stretch and re-tack at Double Doors

Phoenix Carpet Repair was called to do a Glendale Carpet stretch and re-tack at Double Doors! New French doors were in stalled and the client needed some tack strip installed and the carpet stretched at the door jam! The big Box store were she bought the doors from...

Carpet repair Glendale Arizona

Phoenix Carpet repair and Phoenix Carpet Cleaning was called to do a Carpet repair Glendale Arizona. We replaced some carpet pad the family pet chewed up and then re-stretched the carpet on the landing!

Carpet Stretching Glendale AZ Carpet Ripples

Phoenix Car[pet cleaning and Phoenix carpet repair was called to do some Carpet Stretching Glendale AZ Carpet Ripples! What was unique about this job is that this is the 3rd time she had a “Professional” Carpet company do the Job! We did it right no more...

Glendale Carpet repair Patch repair Work

Phoenix Carpet cleaning and Phoenix Carpet Repair was called to do some Carpet Repair Glendale Carpet repair Patch Work! Read Customer reviews Click Here