Read reviews click HERE Phoenix carpet repair was called to do some Tempe Commercial Carpet repair work for a landlord and tenant. The tenant was moving out of a space and needed the space put back to its original state! We were able to help this out of town landlord...
It seems that the Month of Jul and now the month of August there is allot of stretching carpet work to be done here in Phoenix AZ! At the end and the beginning of each month we seem to receive allot of calls for Stretching carpet. We love seeing clients faces when we...
We were called to do some Stretching carpet repair work for a client who had serious “bumps” as she put it in her phone call to us. We helped her by giving her a moving company’s name Fire house Moving (623-695-1999) Dusty was able to have the...
PCR was called to for a Stretching carpet repair job for a client who lives in Goodyear AZ! This client was moving in and realized that she needed to have a room re-stretched and all the carpet cleaned. We were able to get the job done so that they can move in the...
PCR was called to do a Phoenix Carpet Repair and Cleaning job for a client in Goodyear AZ! The client was waiting to close on there home in Goodyear, Estrella Mountain Ranch area. They called and had some pet damage that needed to be repaired and then the whole house...