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Carpet Cleaners in PHX

Carpet Cleaners in PHX

Finishing up with some remodeling? We do carpet re-tacking all the time and our technician Rob loves doing them!  This customer installed a permanent desk and new baseboards in some doorways and need the carpet re-attached around the home.  We were able to come out...
Carpet Cleaners in Scottsdale

Carpet Cleaners in Scottsdale

We help with the aftermath of floods every week.  This customer even had drywall damage to fix.  She actually hired another company last week, and the guy never showed up!  She gave us a call and we were able to show up for a same day appointment!  It just goes to...
Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning

Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning

We just purchased a brand new Low Moisture Cleaning Machine!  It is ideal for busy offices with glue down carpet who don’t want their employees/customers to have to walk on damp carpets.  Even though its low moisture machine, it can get out stains that our Deep...
Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix

Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix

More carpet stretching in Phoenix, AZ!  Little bit chili out today but that wont stop our awesome team of technicians!  We have done a low of power stretching the last week or two and WE LOVE DOING IT!  Take a look at these before and after photos from a job this...
Scottsdale Carpet Cleaning

Scottsdale Carpet Cleaning

Take a look at some leopard print carpet we re-stretched today (Dec 6) in Scottsdale, AZ!  Its not everyday we see this style carpet but we are trained to do carpet stretching, repairs, and cleaning on it.  You can see our power stretching tool in the first photo, the...