Phoenix Carpet Repair and Cleaning was called to do a bleach stain carpet repair. We get calls often from home owners to maid services that need our help. They were cleaning and used a product that dripped on the carpet. Or maybe they cleaned and set a bottle down on...
PCR&C was called to do some Carpet repair pet damage repair work! A dog was the culprit of this carpet repair that was needed by this home owner. The daughter was staying at her moms while some remodeling was being done at her house. The dog was a little anxious...
PCR&C was called to do a Phoenix Carpet cleaning and rug cleaning job for a client here in the Phoenix Metro Area. They needed there wall to wall carpet cleaned ad well as some area rugs cleaned. We take pleasure in helping our clients with all there carpet and...
PCR&C was called to do some Carpet stretching repairs for a client who had a small flood and needed some carpet pad and the carpet stretched back in after his small flood. We were able to do the job in a timely manner and take care of his carpet woe’s! One...
PCR&C was called to do a Scottsdale Carpet repair for a client who needed some help stretching there carpet to some new tile they had installed. We are usually the last call to Finnish the new tile carpet job that needed to be finished and the Tile guys dont do...