Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning did a Mesa wax spill carpet repair job for a client who spilled their body waxing wax all over the carpet. We usually use a heat transfer system to pull wax out of the carpet but in this case the wax burnt the fibers and went all the...
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning was called to do a Phoenix Carpet Cleaning job for a client in the North Phoenix area. Most people don’t realize how big geographically is. Their are allot of square miles in the Metro Phoenix area. We travel from Ahwatukee...
We love helping our clients when it comes to carpet repair. This client had a hole in there carpet that needed to be repaired. We were able to use some carpet from her closet to do the needed repair work! read our client reviews click HERE
Phoenix carpet repair and cleaning was called to do a Phoenix carpet cleaning and some Phoenix carpet repair work for a client who had a rental carpet that he was thinking about carpet replacement. We were able to get the job done for under a 1000.00 and save his...
PCR&C was called out to do a Phoenix Carpet Cleaning and some Phoenix carpet stretching repair work for a client who needed some carpet pad replaced after a small flood. We were able to replace some 1/2 inch re-bond carpet pad and stretch the carpet and then do...