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Phoenix Carpet Repair & Cleaning helped a customer in Chandler today.  We power-stretched carpet in Chandler today.  Often times carpets get ripples and wrinkles in them over time.  The number one reason we typically have to re-stretch carpet is due to poor installation.  The second reason is due to what we call the ‘Snowbird Factor’. Many homes in the valley are vacant during the summer time and people will leave their AC off or set above 85 degrees which can cause problems with carpet ripples as well.  Call your power-stretching experts TODAY at 602.688.4186 for a phone estimate.

Chander Carpet Stretching (5) Chander Carpet Stretching (6)

Chander Carpet Stretching (1)  Chander Carpet Stretching (3)

Chander Carpet Stretching (2)Chander Carpet Stretching (4)


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