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Phoenix Carpet Repair & Cleaning is a big supporter of the world’s greatest carpet cleaning event, Mikey’s Fest. Their first event of 2020 was in Nashville, TN and our owner, Robert Atlas, was honored to participate. Mikey’s Fest is a special two day learning event for those in the carpet cleaning industry.

The first day Robert had the opportunity to listen to the following speakers: the keynote speaker was Coach Michael Burt who spoke about why a coach/mentor can make all the difference in your business success; Jim Pemberton spoke about his stories of being a distributor and educator; Myles Mayes gave tips on winning people over with YouTube videos; Jim Bardwell talked about owning and being responsible for your own actions; Peter Gregg shared his ideas on how to create quality videos for your business; and Mike Pailliotet sharing his story of years spent working in the industry. Listening to the information shared gives our company new ideas to implement and refresh the way we do business. Our goal is to always be learning and growing.

The second day was cleaning day at Ronald McDonald House in Nashville. This is the day that carpet cleaning technicians from all over the United States come together to give back to those in need. These technicians volunteer their time and experience to clean the flooring and upholstery in these homes. According to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville website their mission is to keep families close by providing essential resources and a “home away from home” for families of critically ill children receiving inpatient or outpatient medical care at Nashville area hospitals. It is an absolute privilege to help make those families experiences a little bit easier while they are staying at one of the Ronald McDonald houses.

Of course after the event there was lots of time to explore Nashville, like getting to visit the corvette museum, and getting to know the other technicians who participated in the event. When you work hard you play hard.


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