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Carpet cleaning room/area size disclosure:

A room/area is considered a single room/area when it is 250 cleanable sq ft or less. For example, 3 bedrooms under 250 cleanable sq ft would need our 3 area package. Any area larger than 250 cleanable sq ft will be considered two rooms/areas.  Stairs are considered 1 area up to 12 stairs, additional stairs are $4 each.

Carpet Cleaning Disclaimer

Some changes in the carpet or rug may occur which are unavoidable; the customer assumes all risks regarding changes which may occur during cleaning including the following: shrinkage, discoloration, dye running, ripples.  In addition, some spots and stains are evident prior to cleaning, others are not.  There are occasions where stains wick back up into the carpet from the padding after cleaning has taken place. We cannot guarantee the removal of a stain, whether it is visible prior to or after cleaning.  If a stain does not come out of wall to wall carpet; we can patch (repair) it for an additional charge.  For liability reasons, we do not move furniture.

Disclosure: Wicking May Occur

Wicking may occur; Some stains may release with cleaning for the life of the carpet; Wicking is impossible to predict or prevent. (Wicking is defined as a re-appearance of previously cleaned stains due to liquid remaining in carpet backing or padding.)  Again, this is not something our technician can avoid or fix.  We stand behind our workmanship 100% apart from carpet wicking.

Disclosure: Furniture Moving for Carpet & Tile Cleaning

We do not move any furniture.  We send one Technician to each appointment. If you want to move furniture, please be sure it is moved prior to our arrival. If you do not want to move furniture, please leave it in place and we will carefully clean around it. You cannot move furniture around or move items from room to room while we are there cleaning.  Everything needs to be ready so we can come in and get right to work.



Carpet Repair Price Disclosure

When our Technician arrives, he will inspect the condition of the damaged carpet and carpet backing to determine what size the repair will need to be. Sometimes the repair needs to be larger, due to damage of the carpet backing.  Since pricing is determined by size of the repair, price is subject to change upon inspection.

Carpet Repair Disclaimer

We are IICRC trained and certified professionals; however, there are other factors such as soil level, wear patterns, and the age of the carpet that can affect the visibility of a carpet repair.  We strive to perform the repair to the best of our ability with the circumstances that are present.  The customer understands that the repair will not be indiscernible, nor has Phoenix Carpet Repair and Cleaning guaranteed this.

Closet Permanent Section Disclaimer

Carpet is made in dye lots, so it is impossible to match carpet exactly; unless you find carpet from the same manufacturer in the same color and the same dye lot.  For that reason, when a customer does not have remnant (extra) carpet we borrow a piece from the closet (since it is from the same dye lot) and utilize that to repair the damaged area(s).  As a courtesy, we carry around beige and brown remnants in our trucks.  We place a NON-MATCHING piece back in the closet so that there is not a hole in your closet.  If a customer is concerned about carpet in the closet being NON-MATCHING, they can cut off 1”-2” of the damaged area and take that to a big box store to obtain a piece of carpet to have for our technician to place in the closet.



Carpet Re-Stretching Disclaimer

Final sq footage measurements will determine final pricing.  Furniture needs to be vacant from the space prior to our arrival.

Disclosure: Furniture Moving for Carpet Stretching

We do not move any furniture.  We send one Technician to each appointment. Furniture must be removed for carpet to be properly re-stretched. Please be sure it is moved prior to our arrival.

Warranty Carpet Re-Stretching

Labor on carpet stretching labor is warrantied for two years from the date of service. This warranty will stay with our customer and cannot be transferred. Some things that can void this warranty are over-wetting the carpet, not having your carpet cleaned by an IICRC professional, a flood, and leaving the thermostat above 85 degrees, or furniture being in the room when we stretch the carpet.  Our technicians are skilled and trained to recognize these scenarios. If the carpet is cleaned, customer must be able to produce a receipt by an IICRC Certified Carpet Cleaning company to stay within the warranty terms.



Disclosure: Furniture Moving for Carpet & Tile Cleaning

We do not move any furniture.  We send one Technician to each appointment. If you want to move furniture, please be sure it is moved prior to our arrival. If you do not want to move furniture, please leave it in place and we will carefully clean around it. You cannot move furniture around or move items from room to room while we are there cleaning.  Everything needs to be ready so we can come in and get right to work.

Tile & Grout Cleaning Disclaimer

Not all tile and grout is properly installed. There is always the potential for loose grout and/or caulking to be dislodged due to improper installation. Also, there may be coating’s applied to the grout lines that can be discolored or removed during the cleaning process. A floor with excessive soil and grease buildup may not clean up well. Tile that is properly installed, has not been subject to harsh cleaners, has no foreign material, and the grout mortar is the proper depth will, in most cases, clean up nicely with no problems. We try to determine if the tile has been properly installed, however to be certain is impossible. THEREFORE, we are not responsible for any situations that may arise from the cleaning of tile and the grout lines. Our products and procedures are approved by the IICRC. Cleaning showers and bath areas are extremely difficult due to mold, soap scum build up and several types of shampoo deposits. We will do the best job we can, however there are no guarantees.



Warranty for Carpet Dyeing

We guarantee our dyes to be permanent and colorfast for the life of the carpet. We also guarantee your satisfaction with the job!  Our dyes won’t “walk off” or rub off. The dye sets instantly as we apply it so you can walk on the carpet immediately. The carpet will be slightly damp, but ready for use the minute we’ve finished applying the treatment.

Be SURE to leave the air-conditioning (if available) turned on in your house until the carpet is fully dry. It has been our experience that the carpet will dry the most rapidly if the air-conditioning is left turned on (temperature set about 75 F). This is because the air-conditioning will remove humidity from the air. The use of a floor fan will also be helpful. The more air circulation that is available, the better.

Do not turn on the heat. Turning on the heat will often create a “Florida Effect” which is a hot and humid environment. The carpet will not dry properly under these conditions.

Area Rug Cleaning Disclosures

Some changes in the carpet or rug may occur which are unavoidable; the customer assumes all risks regarding changes which may occur during cleaning including the following:

SHRINKAGE: usually is minimal. However, rugs made of wool and/or cotton tend to shrink more than other types.

BACKING: Latex backed canvas or monk’s cloth tend to get limp, crack or deteriorate. The backing may come off. There will be a charge to repair or replace if necessary.

DISCOLORATION: some rugs may have been made with fugitive dyes, and after washing may change color, bleed or fade due to air pollution, wear, action of sunlight, age, improper cleaning methods used in the past, and deteriorated material. Customer agrees to accept our findings.

RIPPLES: caused by uneven shrinkage or moisture absorption.

SPOTS AND STAINS: some spots and stains are evident prior to cleaning, others are not.  We cannot guarantee the removal of a stain, whether it is visible prior to or after cleaning.

DRY ROT: deteriorated material may come apart in cleaning. this is impossible to determine before cleaning. Dry rot may result in cuts, shredding, or separation of fiber.

ABRASH: color changes in the dyes sometimes done intentionally by the weaver or manufacturer where the colors go from darker to lighter, or completely different. This is not a defect. However, sometimes the weaver may dye wool at various times, and after washing the colors of the original wool may be more evident (especially with Navajo rugs).

TEXTURE CHANGE: changes of appearance due to change of texture without significant fiber loss takes place during the rug or carpet service.[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]

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