There is a good chance that your carpet endures heavy traffic wherever there is a carpet to tile transition. This is the transition where the carpet and tile meets each other. Over time, the carpet can start to fray and a gap will start to form between the carpet and...
It is important that you clean your carpet at least once a year. If you have young children or pets, then it might be necessary to professionally clean your carpet more often. Heavy traffic areas can show signs of wear and tear quicker than other areas inside your...
Carpet can begin to ripple for several different reasons. The most common reason carpets ripple is because of poor installation. In these cases, a knee kicker was used to install the carpet instead of a power stretcher. A knee kicker should only be used when you are...
Small ripples are usually not caused by normal wear. This may occur when sliding heavy furniture or other heavy items across the floor. Your carpet can also start to ripple if your home is over 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Mistakes during the installation process may also...
Sometimes stains and spots cannot be removed from carpet with our regular carpet cleaning process. Pet stains and other spills that happened on your carpet might be difficult to remove, especially if the stain has been there for 6 months or more. If you feel your...
Carpet to tile transitions in doorways see a lot of foot traffic. Over time, the carpeting in those areas start showing visible signs of wear and tear. Just like other high traffic areas in your home, it is necessary to clean these areas on a regular basis to avoid...