If you need your carpets repaired, call a certified technician from Phoenix Carpet Repair & Cleaning. With over 25 years of combined experience, there is no job that we are not able to handle. We always recommend that you try to repair the carpet before replacing it. If you have extra carpet, then we can repair the damaged area instead of installing new carpet.
Our customer in Goodyear, AZ had burn damage on his carpet. His dog chewed a cell phone battery and the chemicals that came out the cell phone battery burned the carpets instantly starting a small fire, no one was hurt. Luckily he called our office to repair the damage and he paid less then what he was expecting to pay.
Before you replace your carpets, call our office to see if the damage is reversible. We also provide carpet stretching, upholstery cleaning and tile cleaning services. Call (602) 688-4186 for more information!