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Scottsdale carpet re-stretch

Ridges, creases, waves…….you name it they are really called carpet ripples.  These are tripping hazards and un-sightly as such.  Alan came to the rescue yesterday and re-stretched carpet in Scottsdale yesterday.  Do any of the pictures below look familiar?...

Scottsdale Carpet Re-Stretch Carpet Repair

PCR was called to Scottsdale AZ for a Scottsdale Carpet Re-Stretch Carpet repair. The carpet had severe carpet Ripples in a couple of rooms. We were able to install some new tack strip and Power Stretch the carpet and remove the excess carpet. The client was very...

Scottsdale Carpet Re-Stretch Carpet Job

Phoenix Carpet Repair was called to do a Scottsdale Carpet Re-Stretch Carpet Job. A poor installation combined with heat when home owner gose out of town equals Carpet Ripples!

Scottsdale Carpet Stretch repair Job

PCR Scottsdale Carpet Stretch repair job! PCR was and is called all over the Valley to Stretch Ripples, Wrinkles, Bumps, waves out of carpet!