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Phoenix, AZ: Carpet Repair

Busted! This cute cat may look sweet but she did a lot of damage to her owner’s carpet in the doorway. Luckily for her, our technician specializes in carpet repair and after taking carpet from the back of a closet he was able to cut out the damaged area and...

Phoenix, AZ: Carpet Repair

We love our pets but sometimes they unfortunately damage our carpet trying to dig their way in or out of a room. Using carpet from the back of our customer’s closet our experienced technician was able to cut off the damaged area and permanently section in the...

Pet Damage Carpet Repair in Phoenix

At this pet damage carpet repair in Phoenix, the damage was right around the doorway. As you can see the damage goes both directions for a ways. Although Berber carpet is known for durability, it is still subject to damage. Also, due to the nature of Berber carpet, a...